Sunday, June 15, 2008

Since My Last Post . . . .

I have played a small part in our high school musical, Oliver!

I worked at making Valentines Day a special day.

I attended Time Out For Women in Spokane with my mom and two sisters.

I went to NYC for 4 days!!!

My oldest started Cub Scouts and we had our first Pinewood Derby.

My husband and his brother started up a new business together (though Paul is still also working for my dad). They are now trying to get into the composting business.

I dyed Easter eggs (which I hate) so my kids would love Easter.

I got through Easter (I had to sing a solo in the program and almost died!)

(The Easter Day finery)
I have done 2 months of Sharing Time.

I helped to put on an Easter Activity Day and an amazingly fun Activity Day about countries around the world.

I went on a long vacation to Seaside, OR with Paul to celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary in July.

(Paul and I at the seashore in Seaside. We weren't brave enough to ask someone to take a picture of us together.)
I did daycare a couple of days a week for a friend of mine who teaches.

I volunteered once a week in my kids' classrooms.

Was part of an Elder's Quorum Progressive Dinner.

Went to two school choir music nights and various other school related activities.

(Hannah's Dino Concert. We forgot to take the camera to Hyrum's concert. Many tears and exclamations of "It's not fair!" ensued.)
Helped out at my son's 2nd Grade Sleepout at the school (and, no, I did not stay up all night. I have a demanding almost-two-year-old to deal with. But I was there until 1 or 2 am).

(Hyrum with some classmates getting ready to play hide and seek throughout the school)
Was trying to lose weight. I only succeeded in losing and gaining the same 4 or 5 pounds on a rotating basis, but I did try.

I had the stomach flu during one of my busiest weeks in April (but this got me out of doing a few things and therefore lightening my load.)

Got through Spring Break!

Took kids to or attended various birthday parties, card making parties, luncheons, meetings and church parties.

Was an almost 100% Visiting Teacher :)

Attended numerous dance recitals and performances.

(Hannah's Farmyard and Cruella DeVille dances)
Helped with the end of year activities such as: Arts In the Park, Kindergarten Park Day, Kindergarten Graduation and my youngest sister's High School Graduation.

(Hannah with her teacher, Miss Zirker--also our Primary President--and with her cousin Holly, who was in the same class.)
Took two of my children to the dentist for the first time and found out that at least half of their teeth are rotting out of their heads!

Spent many hours in the dentist office to get the teeth fixed (with more hours to come) and spent (or at least, will have spent) thousands of dollars on dental bills since we have absolutely zero dental insurance unless one of us needs dental surgery following an accident or something (which is why this is the first time we have taken our kids to the dentist--a bad mistake, I know).

My husband and several different relatives spent many hours finally fencing in my backyard (a dream that started before we first moved into our house 5 1/2 years ago!)

So that is my life in a nutshell over the last 5 months (in no particular order). I hope to get better at this. If any of you are interested to learn more about something that I have done (as listed here) let me know and maybe I will do another post on just that thing and fill in any blanks. I was avoiding writing because their was just so much to say so I decided to cut it short and let you decide if you want to hear more. I hope that this post was somewhat enjoyable and not just tedious to get through.

(I didn't really have pictures of Emma and Joshua in this post so I added a few that I liked. Joshua is listening to my iPod and Emma is practicing her Princess curtsy in her Easter dress.)


Michelle said...

YEAH!!! Another post. I'm going to keep reading if you keep blogging!

Ashley said...

Don't let her post fool you! Kristin is downplaying herself bigtime. She looks fabulous and has done some wonderful things. She has also been a very good friend to many people. And now she is embarking on Summer Vacation with 4 kids at home. YIKES! And we know why Paul really built the fence...(wink,wink!)

Ilene said...

I think you have done more in the past five months than I have done in the past five years.

By the way, you look great!

Has it been 10 years?! I remember the night Paul proposed back at Centennial apartments. You were the first to go... Glad you guys are still going strong!

Colleen said...

Congratulations on 10 Years together! That means it's been 10 years since we were roomies! Like Ilene, I remember taht night you first told us you were engaged - it was April Fools Day & we didn't know if we should believe you until you promised that it wasn't a joke! Look at what the past 10 years has brought you!

You are one busy and amazing mother! I don't know where you find time to do all of the things you do! I'm glad you've returned to your blog! I love to hear what you're up to!

The Gallacci Family said...

Holy heck, no wonder your last post was in January. I got tired just reading it. I have to agree with Ashley, you do look great.