Saturday, May 26, 2007

Fishing Tradition

I cannot tell you how much I love these pictures. They were taken on our yearly fishing trip with my Grandma Jean and Grandpa Ted. It was Joshua's first time and I didn't think that he would like the wind blowing in his face when we were driving the boat to our fishing spot, but he loved it! And when we moved him up to help Grandpa Ted "drive" the boat it was the cutest thing. Doesn't he look like a competent little boat driver in the first one and a crazy baby driver in the second? Just had to share these photos.

I love this tradition of going fishing and my children do to. Not that I actually fish anymore. I am the historian. I need to man the cameras and take a ton of still shots and video footage so we can always remember these fun times. I don't mind doing this since it isn't the fishing that makes me love these little trips. The fun of visiting and relaxing as a family and having this time with my grandparents is so wonderful. And I must admit that all the snacks and candy and drinks that my grandma provides for us on the boat doesn't hurt any either! : )

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